Thank you for the series. To add to you first point, expertise is rare but the illusion of it is common.

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Big fan of your how to format, comrade ;)

Never forget Biden’s disastrous withdrawal and Bush’s coverup of Pat Tillman: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/pat-tillman-coverup

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Oddly, or not, ignoring the most important question, what gives us the right to tell other countries (especially ones we just finished, or are in the process of destroying) how they should rebuild. It's not like anyone in either of those countries feels anything but disdain for us,l nor should they. The problem is the inability to find competitive middle management, which completely misses the point. And its not exactly like anything in this country is worth emulating, unless you happen to be rich, this is a profoundly miserable place to live.

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